Historical Roots of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

Custom Field Value: December 14, 2024

The paper „Historical Roots of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems“ (together with Michael Wyrwich) is now published in the Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Ecosystemsbook edited by James A. Cunningham, Matthias Menter, Conor O’Kane and Marco Romano, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 21-41. https://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781800378988.

The paper contributes to an evolutionary perspective on entrepreneurial ecosystems by reviewing the research on the development of regional entrepreneurship over time. A particular focus is on the long-run persistence of regional levels of entrepreneurship, its explanation, and its meaning for economic development. What is the state of empirical research in this field and what can explain the empirical picture found? How are long-term trends of entrepreneurial activity linked to regional performance? Based on these assessments the paper derives policy implications and avenues for further research.